Ledger® Live* Wallet

Ledger Live, the flagship software from Ledger, stands out as more than just a wallet—it's a comprehensive platform for managing your digital assets. This guide takes you through …

Ledger Live is the official desktop and mobile application developed by Ledger to manage your cryptocurrencies using a Ledger hardware wallet. It offers a user-friendly interface to interact with your Ledger device without exposing your private keys online, keeping your crypto assets secure.Key features of Ledger Live include:

  • Multi-currency support for managing a wide range of cryptocurrencies and digital assets in a single interface

  • Real-time balance updates and transaction history for your entire portfolio

  • Ability to easily send, receive, and track your cryptocurrency holdings

  • Integration with Ledger hardware wallets like the Nano S and Nano X for secure offline storage of private keys

  • Support for staking and lending of certain cryptocurrencies to earn rewards

  • Options to buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies directly through integrated third-party services

  • Intuitive account management with the ability to create multiple accounts for different assets

  • Regular updates that add new features and support for more cryptocurrencies

To get started with Ledger Live, you can download the application for free from the official Ledger website for Windows, macOS, or Linux. After installing, you'll need to set up your Ledger device, connect it to Ledger Live, and sync your accounts to start managing your crypto assets securely.ShareRewriteRelatedHow do I set up and connect my Ledger hardware wallet to Ledger LiveWhat are the advanced features available in Ledger Live for experienced usersCan I track my cryptocurrency portfolio performance in real-time with Ledger LiveHow does Ledger Live support custom ERC-20 tokensWhat are the steps to import an existing wallet into Ledger LiveView

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